Senaputra Park

If you are interested in visiting Malang for your Indonesian trip, one of the most recommended places to visit is Senaputra Park. It is located on Jl. Belakang RSUD Syaiful Anwar. Not far from Malang Town Square. It is the recreational area of the city and sports the playground for children, traditional attraction like "Mask Dance" or local calls it as "Topeng Ngalam". There is also "Jaran Kepang", one of the most unique dance performance you must not miss. Jaran Kepang and Topeng Ngalam are held frequently. Whenever you visit this place, you will see the stunning and amusing traditional art performances for your trip. Local citizens visit this place often to go for swim, or just have a picnic and spend the time together. There are a lot of things to see and do here.

Since it is located in the middle of the town, crowd perhaps will distract the natural views. So I suggest to come before or after weekend or peak season. However, the more crowded the visitors, the more traditional performances will be shown. So, it is up to you.

There are 5 different swimming pools purposely designed for different ages ranges from children to adult. Swimming can be great activity to relieve from stiffness and hang on with your family.

It is open from 9.00 a.m to 5 p.m. Paying a visit to this place is worthwhile chance to take.

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