Birds & Flowers Market

Are you pet lovers? Or perhaps you are florist? If you are, visiting Malang can be a great journey for you. It is very recommended to visit Birds and flowers market in Malang. It is located on Jl. Brawijaya, not far from Tugu Hotel and the middle of the town. This market sell some kind of pets like birds, cats, fishes, turtles, hamsters, and many more. Pet's foods are also sold as well as plants and flowers. This market is hosted by many pet's suppliers from around territories offering various kind of pets and pets' supplies. Everything is here. You name it.

If you are looking for bird's cages, this market provides a lot of choices. This is truly paradise for bird's lovers. You can find almost any Indonesian birds here. Plants and flowers have always been favorite for both locals and tourists. Various kinds of roses, orchids, and other beautiful flowers are easy to find. Talking about plantation, they also provide gardening equipment. Along the alley, you can see the crowded people are bargaining for their purchase, some offer their pets's product, that's the view that is natural and memorable. You will not see this view in your place. If you are lost or something, don't worry. You could ask the folks. They are humble and warm. You can even make a documentation of this market. There is no restriction to take some pictures of objects that you may be interested.

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