Balai Kota (City Hall)

Historical buildings are always one of the top notch places that many visitors would visit. They are interested to learn some histories and document it on photos or videos. If you are one of those, Balai Kota (City Hall) in Malang is one of the most recommended places to see. It is located on Jl.Tugu, not so far from Tugu Hotel. If you are resting in Tugu Hotel, it only takes you 5 minutes to reach the place.

Balai Kota is a old Dutch building that is used for the center of Malang government. You can pay a visit for this place free, no charge. Folks usually do certain morning workout, or perhaps just spend a nice time with friends and family while enjoying "Cilok" -  the traditional Indonesian small meatball and drink "Es Degan" – young coconut fresh beverage. You can take your morning time there while enjoying the stunning view of beautiful "Aloon-aloon Tugu" or Tugu Boulevard.

So, bring your camera and make some memorable moments with your friends or family in Balai Kota (City Hall), Malang, Indonesia.

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